Alexandria, VA – The second annual Northern Virginia Fashion Week (NOVAFW) is scheduled to take place March 21 – March 27, 2010 in Alexandria, VA. The week long spectacle of events will continue to support Northern Virginia, and surrounding areas, as an unrecognized fashion Mecca by promoting fashion businesses, highlighting fashion trends and supporting students in their pursuit to make a name for themselves within the fashion industry. Fashion Week is designed to give patrons and industry-insiders an eagle eye view of the most sophisticated styles that Northern Virginia has to offer, and opens their minds to a new and creative dynasty building in this region.

Designer GownThe city of Alexandria, the event partner, will serve as the venue for the Fall Fashion Week by hosting the weeklong event at their chic Waterfront Park in Old Town Alexandria, VA, including the Lupus Foundation Charity Gala; designer showcases and other private events will be held under the main tent. Having the event at Waterfront Park, which is filled with elegant boutiques, fine dining, arts and antique shops and more, will allow visitors to the fashion week to browse local shops and bringing thousands of customers to view their products and services. Also, by being backed by the city of Alexandria, NOVAFW has to opportunity to bring in buyers and tourists from around the world, exposing all to the world of fashion and what NOVAFW has to offer to a more international community.

Because staff and Board members of NOVAFW are directly affected by Lupus through family members, NOVAFW thought of no better way to be a leader in finding a cure than to dedicate its proceeds to the Lupus Foundation of America to help aide them in their continuing efforts to conduct on-going research for a cure.

In setting the stage for the upcoming Fall Fashion Week, NOVAFW has revamped its Web site that allows visitors to donate to Lupus and read about the latest happenings during fashion week. NOVAFW has already increased awareness about the Lupus Foundation of America by supporting the organization and allowing donors to use the website as a means to donate money to the organization. Also on the website, NOVAFW, is a leader in the area informing the general public about what it means to be Fair-Trade and helping people learn about reducing their carbon footprint with easy steps on how to become more eco-friendly. Advance Access to exclusive designer shows such as Karen Millen, Andrew Norwell, Tashia Senn, Tsyndyma, Natalia Sanz, Greg Taylor and Alek Risimnic is now made available until the beginning of January.

Although similar events groups designers together, decreasing the opportunity to increase the designer’s own brand awareness and clientele, NOVAFW has always given designers the opportunity to showcase their brand exclusively, helping them get noticed more easily and develop business relationships after their fashion show.

In their continuing effort to support the up-and-coming designers of tomorrow, educational designer shows will be offered to students from the area’s fashion schools as a part of the student initiative. This initiative will jump start the Student Scholarship program. Because NOVAFW highly supports the designers of tomorrow, the event also gives Fashion Departments from surrounding schools in DC, MD, and VA a chance to see how their hard work and determination is put into effect in a business perspective.