Most wedding photo albums are pretty much the same as they were fifty years ago but technology is starting to allow more modern variations on this. Probably the same etiquette that dictated how the bride’s mother was shown in the album will be used today so you can expect to see her as the first photo in her wedding dress. This image is then followed by images of the bride and groom together immediately after the ceremony.

It would be unfair and impolite not to show off the whole wedding party in the wedding photo album next especially when they have gone too so much trouble to look their best for the day. This is a special group which is usually a combination of friends and family from both the bride and grooms side. The bride has a picture with her attendants just as her mother did so many years before.

Of course you cannot leave the groom out and his pictures with all his family members then once that is complete the bride will go through the same procedure. Mention must be made to modern wedding photo albums which are as equally decorated as those of the past with elaborate covers and beautifully laid presentation pages inside. The vast majority of wedding photo albums are presented in white with images like bells and bouquets displayed and often embossed on the cover of the album. Although the beauty of the wedding album will certainly impress people so will the way in which the images have been displayed inside so as to create maximum effect. Of course while the tangible album is still popular, that does not mean the wedding photographer and modern technology have not tried to provide an equivalent by allowing the photos to be placed on a cd rom and on dvd’s as well. Many hundreds of images can now be stored on a cd rom which makes it simple to carry around and display on a TV screen with little chance of damage.

The real beauty of this digital revolution is how easy it is for everyone to enjoy every image of the day on a disc that is in effect a digital wedding photo album which can be stored indefinitely. This is a big step forward for the guest who may only have been able to have a few images of the day but can now have any one of them printed. This is a very versatile method of distributing images that will last for many years.